Thursday, July 4, 2013

Nuru's Progress

This is a letter from January of this year from Alice, Founder/Caregiver of EOTOO:

Dear Kathy,

Nuru came to Each One Touch One Orphan three years ago when she was a below average student.  In less than a term, Nuru was ranking among the top ten students in her class.  Meaning that the potential in her was being hampered by her environment, diet and facilities to study.  As a team, we provided what we could. She did her K.C.P.E examination last year and has scored 333 marks out of a total of 500.

The top scorers in the country (three of them) had 430 marks.  The highest mean score in the country was 273 marks and the lowest 41 marks. 

I must congratulate Nuru very much together with you, God being with us, we hope that she can score higher in her life.

Thanks to all of you for the part you have played to bring Nuru to 333 marks.

God bless.


My understanding of the scoring and secondary school/education in Kenya:

"The K.C.P.E. examination must be taken in order to enter secondary school at the age of 14.  The students must have 280+ marks out of 500 to be admitted.  Only 50% of students that take the exams get placed in secondary school.  Those placed in secondary school are often forced out of school because their parent(s)/guardians are unable to pay for the exhorbitant costs of the children's education (textbooks, uniforms, fees, fees, and more fees).  The government doesn't do much to assist the 50 million orphaned (HIV/AIDS contributes greatly to this number) or abandoned children in Kenya (abandoned when relatives can no longer afford to care for them)." - taken from various websites.

With your help, I am able to support Nuru's education.  Tax-free donations can be made through Dr. John Stanko's PurposeQuest International website using PayPal.  Just click the "Make A Donation" link and make sure you type "Nuru" in for the memo.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support and may God bless you richly! 

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